"King of the Vu" Jon Howard
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"King of the Vu" Jon Howard

"The Esteemed" James Fannin

"Classic" Colt Cabana

"Ghetto SuperStar" Rollin' Hard

Corporal Robinson

"Sexy" Ace Steel

Josh Prohibition

this in the interview with the king of the vu....
Vic: I'm sitting here with the IWA's own "King of the Vu" Jon Howard, what's up jon?

Jon: nothing much vic, just sitting around as always lol

Vic lol i hear ya bro.. guess i'll get into the interview.. so first off, how long have you been in the wrestling business?

Jon: as far as actually being in the ring its been about 2 years , I started at a shitty little promotion then a year ago i went to the IWA but i have been around it for about 4 years or so

Vic: ok that's cool, how long have you actually been into wrestling, as a fan?

Jon: umm, that's a hard question , i have been watching wrestling as long as i remember because my mom is a HUGE wrestling fan, so it was always on t.v when i was a little kid so im going to say at least 18 years

Vic: who were you trained by when breaking into the wrestling business?

Jon: well, i started with a guy named Vic Lewis in Brandenburg, but he jerked me around while training me, i mean half the time he wouldn't show up and stuff like that , which really didn't bother me , but I have been friends with Mitch Page for a while and he found out what was going on so he took me under his wing and has helped me out a lot and still is so to make it short i tell people mitch page trained me to be a referee

Vic: cool deal, ok now off of that..... around IWA there has been rumors going around about your sexual preference, would you care to elaborate on that?

Jon: haahhahaah, yeah there is a very , very nasty rumor going around that i am gay, well I am going to tell you that I am not gay. It all started when I managed Marvelous Mitch Ryder and I gave him a hug, well the a certain other Mitch lol saw that and he kept on telling everyone that , which is pretty over from what I heard, everyone probably thinks Im gay but im not

Jon: i mean what's wrong with giving another guy a hug?

Vic: ummm i guess it does seem kinda gay..

Vic: especially when the other guy has sparkles on him heh

Jon: well that s kind of true , i wasn't thinking

Vic: ok i see.... would you mind telling me how the whole retarded thing got started? another mitch rumor?

Jon: Ohh the retarded story, a very funny one. At one of the IWA shows i think indy, i was the referee for a match which I thought that I screwed the whole thing up, so I mention it to someone and the next show Mitch Ryder called me retarted, thats what he refers to me in the ring as retarted and its stuck with me ever since, Mitch Page also helped with the retarted thing by asking me hard but simple questions that i got wrong so that name has stuck

Vic: nice story.. mitch ryder is a funny guy lol...... off of your lil nicknames now.... were you a fan of IWA before you worked there? or have you ever seen the product before hand?

Jon: yeah i was a fan of the iwa before i started working there, a bunch of my friends always went to the old k-mart building and were always talking about the iwa, which I never really heard of, and i was watch wrestling late night, and I saw the tv show and blah blah.

Vic: lol that sounds like the story of me seeing IWA for the first time

Jon: similar yes

Vic: ok that's cool.... what has been your fav. IWA moment.. as ref in a match and as a fan of the product?

Jon: my favorite match as a referee had to be tracey smothers vs chris candido cause I have always be a big fan of tracey smothers but also spike dudley vs mitch page

Vic: ahhh yes, the spike vs mitch match was good from this fan's perspective..

Jon: yeah it proved a lot people wrong, that match
proved that Mitch can wrestle and be hardcore, and I was happy that Mitch could wrestle Spike Dudley in what i belevie was Spike last indy match

Vic: yeah i believe so too

Vic: as a fan what would you say the best IWA moment would be?

Jon: umm the best moment umm thats a hard one but I was really happy when I was sitting in the crowd and seen Cash Flo defeat Ian Rotten for the IWA title, for some reason that sticks out as the best IWA moment cause there was something in the air, it weird to describe

Vic: yes i agree that night was something special.. the whole cash leading IWA into the new year and the match itself... cash winning his first world title was just great.

Jon: yeah i kind of compare it to shawn micheals finally winning the wwf title in a way

Vic: yes, it seemed about like that.. it was great night.

Vic: ok now on to quick thoughts.. i'll name somebody and you tell me how you feel about them..

Vic: Ian Rotten:

Jon: I have nothing but respect for him, before working with IWA i heard a lot of bad things about him but he has done nothing but helped me live a chlid hood dream and brought in some of my heros and i got to ref their match , so I really thank him for that

Vic: "Mean" Mitch:

Jon: you have about an hour lol

Vic: lol i got as long as you need bro

Jon: Good ol Mitch Page

Jon: he has to be considered my best freind , i mean we have been up and down the road together so many times, he took me on road trips while i was still in high school cause he knew i loved wrestling, has helped me out a bunch, we are always talking about wrestling while we are in the car, i ll ask him something and he'll tell me everything that i need to know, he is his own person, he made his own name didnt really need anyones help, funny as hell, teached me a lot , just about everything, we are really good friends outside or the wrestling business as well, i can go on forever and tell you stories about us on the road and he is the funniest guy you will ever meet

Vic: hell yeah..

Vic: Brent Blades:

Jon: you mean Brent Berg lol

Jon: naw seriously

Vic: heh

Jon: Brent is a awesome referee

Jon: he has also helped me out a lot , always giving me pointers here and there, see putting you over again brent lol, no but he is probably one of the best indy referee that i have seen, i consider him a good friend as well

Vic: yeah i agree about that...

Vic: Dave Prazak:

Jon: Dave Prazak, is THE BEST MANAGER on the Indy Scene today. I am not saying that to get on his good side cause I really dont talk to him much but he is awesome he knows exactly what to do, he is the perfect heel manger.

Vic: i agree 110%

Vic: we talked about him earlier but Tracey Smothers:

Vic: Tracey Smothers, like Mitch it would take all day for me to tell you how much i respect this guy

Vic: just say what ya want bro..... i respect him a shitload as well.

Jon: tracey has always been cool with me , he is one of my heros , little info my 1st iwa match was Tracey Smothers vs corporal robinson

Vic: ahh yes for some jon howard trivia later in life..

Jon: hell yeah

Vic: Corporal Robinson:

Jon: Corporal Robinson, hardcore motherfucker , also like Mitch in a way, dont get the credit that he deserves, almost died like Mich did, if you are his friend you have a friend for life, extremely cool guy and fun to be around, had an awesome feud with Mitch

Vic: indeed... Chris Hero:

Jon: Monkey boy Hero.Awesome , awesome person, extremely gifted wrestler, probably one of the best wrestlers on the indy sene today, at first he had a problem blowing snot in the referees face lol, but once he fixed that little problem he is awesome, if he dosent make it to the wwf there is something wrong with the talent department up there

Vic: and finally the deadman him self Mark Wolf

Jon: Mark Wolf , Mr.old School. he is awesome as well, funny as hell, knows how to wrestle with the best of them , dosent get the respect that he desevers either i would consider him and hero friends as well, mark will help anybody at that he can, just ask he ll tell you the right stuff

Vic: good shit bro.... well i guess this is to wrap up the interview, i would like to thank you Jon, is there anything you would like to plug (websites n such) and also anything you would like to tell the lil jon howard marks running around that wanna get in the biz and as well as IWA fans in general?

Jon: thank you vic, i gotta website www.jonhoward.freewebspace.com , for all of those that want to get in the business GET TRAINED BY SOMEONE GOOD, and dont get into the wrestling business for the money, girls and fame cause that is very hard to get, and in my short time in the business I have lost friends , relationships, hell even some of my family members dont talk to me because I am on the road a lot traveling just to live a dream , which some people never get to do, and for the fans of IWA please support the guys of the iwa cause you will not find a bunch of guys who will work harder for you, the iwa locker room bust their ass EVERY Single show, give these guys the respect they deserve and keep supporting indy wrestling

Vic: thank you jon.... well that's a wrap.


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King of the Vu