Corporal Robinson
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"King of the Vu" Jon Howard

"The Esteemed" James Fannin

"Classic" Colt Cabana

"Ghetto SuperStar" Rollin' Hard

Corporal Robinson

"Sexy" Ace Steel

Josh Prohibition

here is the interview with Hardcore Muthafucker Corporal Robinson..

Vic: I'm sitting here with one of the most hardcore men in all of professional wrestling,
Corporal Robinson, how are you tonight Corp?

Corporal Robinson: Not to bad bro

Vic: that's cool.. let's get into this, how and when did you first get into the wrestling business? who were you first trained by?

Corporal Robinson: Well I don't like to admit this but i was broke in by don basher but i wouldn't say he trained me he got me started I been working about six yrs. It wasn't until i got down south before i started to be taught what a worker is thanks to guys like tracy smothers ian rotten mainly and all the guys i had the privilege to work back then, doug gilbert tommy rich vets like that, axl here recently again.

Vic: yeah that;s cool... so who would you say influenced you the most on wanting to become a pro wrestler while growing up?

Corporal Robinson: Shawn Michaels, Terry Funk and u.s.w.a and ecw early

Vic: while getting into wrestling did you always wanna do the hardcore style? or did that just come up later when joining IWA?

Corporal Robinson: Well i always wanted to give the fans something they can always remember and hardcore wrestling does that i love to just work to it really don't matter as long as im in the ring! Hardcore wrestling puts reality back in wrestling, In my oppinion.

Vic: yeah i hear that... a lot of internet reporters aswell as magazines talk bad about hardcore how it is bad for the sport and what not.. how do you feel about?

Corporal Robinson: Well it really pisses me off because when its done right it can be some of the most awesome shit your ever going to see live, and you really got to know what your doing to do the hardcore style it takes an added talent

Vic: yes i agree..... what would you say has been the most memorable match of your career thus far?

Corporal Robinson: Damn that's hard I feel i have had a few matches that's made an impact on wrestling

Vic: just name whatever matches then..

Corporal Robinson: two hundred fourty two light bulbs,house of horrors, any of me and ian pondo or mitch page wrestling

Vic: yeah they have deff changed the hardcore wrestling scene in america..

Corporal Robinson: me and bull, hero,and mark wolf in Milwaukee the night in lima ohio was memorable, good press.

Vic: yes the one from the magazine.. flaming tables i believe?

Corporal Robinson: yes sir

Corporal Robinson: kotdm 2,3 hardcore cup. There's so many, you tell me lol

Vic: indeed they are all good heh.... ok i got a question for you then... what would say has been the best match you WEREN'T in?

Vic: watching on as a fan..

Corporal Robinson: indy or big three

Vic: we'll say both.. one from each..

Corporal Robinson: indy has to be the Chris Hero vs C.M. Punk tables ladders last night of the house of hardcore.... wwf Mick and taker michaels and razor,lawler vs idol in u.s.w.a

Vic: ahh yes everybody loved the hero/punk match... that was a great night.. speaking of, how was it following that match?

Vic: i know it had to be kinda hard..

Corporal Robinson: Honestly i was like how in the fuck.. But that's the great thing about the i.w.a
you have to be on your toes

Vic: indeed you do

Corporal Robinson: i just went out there and gave them everything i could emotions were real high it was ruff

Vic: yeah they were all night... how did it feel being the LAST MATCH ever at the HoH?

Corporal Robinson: Well personally I took it as an honor for ian to have the confidence to let me do that was awesome I was in the first main in the building and i got to be the last it really meant a lot to me that building ,I.W.A and the fans mean the world to me and that's a shoot,ill never forget the times at the house of hardcore

Vic: hell yeah!.... what all promotions have your or do you currently work for?

Corporal Robinson: I.W.A Midsouth,Mid American Wrestling out of milwaukee,Insane Wrestling Federation Detriot,Make appearances for J.C.W clowns, if there's an indy in the midwest,south, there's a chance ill be there, fans just stay tuned to the websites and the Bumpin uglies out of Detroit, 420 boys.

Vic: kool kool.... any plans on going to japan in the near future? or do you even want too?

Corporal Robinson: Yes there is I just got to wait for the right opportunity Its one of my main goals thats for sure,I think i could do real well over there especialy if i can do the gimmicks!

Vic: hell yeah.. who would you say a dream match for the Corp would be? i know a lot of people would love to see a Corp vs Matsunaga match.. also a lot of talk about corp vs wifebeater..

Corporal Robinson: Those would be real good, I really would like to work wifebeater,i think we would tear shit up. Matsunaga would by all means be a dream match,Thats like getting forked by Abdulah, Mick Foley,or anything the fans want to see

Vic: i hear that... can give me your thoughts on the feud with "Mean" Mitch Page?

Corporal Robinson: Man that feud was unbelievable everytime i would think we did the craziest shit we would top it. i have the up most respect for Mean Mitch It was awesome working with him this year and we still haven't settled shit

Vic: yeah... so can we see the feud get rekindled to finish shit once and for all?

Corporal Robinson: i really don't no the answer to that but im willing 'its as violent as it can get

Vic: good deal.. what would you say was the best match from the feud? the 232 light tube match was voted best on mitch's site.. but what would you say?

Corporal Robinson: toss up i got four the no rope barbed wire electric lightbulbs, pull of leaches, 242 lightbulb tubes, house of horrors even though i got hurt pretty bad and the powerbomb out the balcony at kodm

Vic: hell yeah all good shit..

Corporal Robinson: what was yours? reverse rolls lol

Vic: hehe 200+ light tube match and electric light

Corporal Robinson: hell yeah

Vic: the chair shots at the end of the electric light bulb match were just fuckin brutal

Corporal Robinson: tell me about it i was fucked up after that

Vic: yeah, i could tell... with the barbwire around your head and all..

Corporal Robinson: yup crazy shit

Vic: ok corp, to end the question part of the interview (yes we still have the name association heh) would you like to talk about the night you almost lost your life in ring? i was there and i know how it was and what happened, would you like to give your thoughts on that night?

Corporal Robinson: that was a real crazy night but yeah ill talk about it

Vic: that's cool i mean it's all good if ya don't want to, i understand.

Corporal Robinson: no its all good

Vic: iight

Corporal Robinson: Me and Ian were doing a no rope barbedwire salt match in salem indiana it was a title match I was champ at the time it was real early in the match and me and ian were on the floor ian grabbed a weapon out the crowd but not your ordinary weapon this was a window wrapped in a shit load of lightbulb tubes so we didn't see the glass on the inside because of the tubes we figured it was just a lot of lightbulb tubes well i was on the ground after in ian rotten close line witch is stiffer than fuck but it all good,well i see ian grab the gimmick so i come to my knees in broke it over me and when i ducked my head down the glass from the window bounced off the ground and cut the main blood vain by my temple at first i didn't realize how bad it was i just new i was hardwayed so i stand up and shot blood all the back two the front row ian immediately tried two slow it down by putting his fist over the cut it was still coming well ian says steve we got to take it home i was like
fuck that so i grabbed a piece of glass and cut him from one side of his forehead to the other so we fight around the side of the ring by now Ian's like fuck it were taking it home now so he rolls me in the ring and hits me with the double armed ddt in the salt that burned like a motherfucker so he pinned me by then i was getting alittle woozy from the blood loss security came two me but i wouldn't let anyone near me i crawled all the way to the dressing room were i was met by everybody freaking out they finally got to lay down until the ambulance arrived i was still ok until the doctor came in and freaked out then i started getting nervous but i will never forget the fans didn't go home the made a line from the building to the ambulance chanting my name as they rolled me by they got me two the hospital which was real close luckily because if i would have been bleeding for 4 more min i would have bleed to death,but the assholes didnt clean it out proper they just sowed me up so it formed an aneurysm on the side of my head a night later so i was back in the hospital with another chance of dying

Vic: damn yo.. that sucks.... thanks for talking about that.. didn't you return to the ring with in a few months of it happening?

Corporal Robinson: they finally transported me from the va hospital to university were they did emergency surgery they were awesome

Vic: that's cool..

Corporal Robinson: i had to take three weeks off and made a surprise appearance as a ref it was one of the biggest pops i had

Vic: that's a quick return for such a serious injury, yeah i remember.. TETC.

Corporal Robinson:yeah i worked hard to get back quick because everyone said i was thru

Vic: yeah

Corporal Robinson: and i have always proved people wrong my first match back was the same match i got hurt in

Vic: damn..

Corporal Robinson: against ian in charlestown at the civic center

Vic: yeah i remember that... the tombstone on the light tubes?

Corporal Robinson: yup

Vic: heh good match

Corporal Robinson: thank you

Vic: no problem... ok we'll get into name association now... i say a name and you give me your thoughts on that person koo?

Corporal Robinson: ok

Vic: Ian Rotten:

Corporal Robinson: That is a man that I have the up most respect for if it wasn't for him i wouldn't be here were im at today He's got one of the best minds in the business,hes an awesome wrestler and the best at hardcore i think very underrated as a wrestler and one of the best teachers around.

Vic: "Mean" Mitch:

Corporal Robinson: One of the toughest men ive ever been in the ring with,but also one of the funniest,In my opinion atleast top 5 in the nation at doing hardcore.

Vic: Cash Flo:

Corporal Robinson: Fellow Lynch Mob member one of the most athletic guys in the business,also i think very underrated cash is outstanding worker.

Vic: Tracy Smothers:

Corporal Robinson: I could go on all night here he was one man that never got the break he deserved and its sad because tracy is one of the best in the ring and out he will sorely be missed, on a personal note thank you tracy for everything you did for this business and the boys you took time to help like myself thank you always tracy

Vic: "Sick" Nick Mondo:

Corporal Robinson: awesome talent i like nick a
lot we just have different meaning to the word selling nicks going to be around for a while as long as he stays healthy

Vic: 2 Tuff Tony:

Corporal Robinson: Another Lynch MOb member very talented but needs to quit taken so many breaks.

Vic: IWA official Brent Blades:

Corporal Robinson: One of the best refs out there and very dedicated to what he does

Vic: Jim Fannin:

Corporal Robinson: A man that's paid as many dues as any wrestler could him ian are the back bone of the company he's a good boss

Vic: Necro Butcher:

Corporal Robinson: tough son of a bitch he'll do anything

Vic: CM Punk:

Corporal Robinson: One of the most talented wrestlers on the indy scene he's made a real impact

Vic: indeed he has.. Chris Hero:

Corporal Robinson: As talented as they get him ,punk cabana there all top of the line

Vic: Mark Wolf:

Corporal Robinson: One of the biggest hearts and one of the hardest workers out there hope he's back soon

Vic: Mad Man Pondo:

Corporal Robinson: other than ian one of the most extreme guys out there he's made a good name for himself

Vic: and finally.. Rollin' Hard:

Corporal Robinson: rollin can do it all make you laugh wrestle and take it hardcore one of the biggest hearts out there

Vic: i agree 100%.... well corp, i guess it's time to wrap it up, thanks it's been, fun, long and interesting.. anything you wanna say to people wanting to break in the the biz, or any plugs, shouts or anything?

Corporal Robinson: Just support what you like and always keep it real thanks to all the fans that's supported me and the rest of the indy guys that's why we do it

Vic: thanks a lot bro.

Corporal Robinson: no prob