Josh Prohibition
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"King of the Vu" Jon Howard

"The Esteemed" James Fannin

"Classic" Colt Cabana

"Ghetto SuperStar" Rollin' Hard

Corporal Robinson

"Sexy" Ace Steel

Josh Prohibition

below: interview conducted by Nick Maniwa, with Josh Pro.
1. How, When, And Why did you get started in the wrestling business?

I got started in the wrestling business by getting trained at the Cleveland All Pro Wrestling Training Center in Cleveland, Ohio. I started training in February of 2001 and i had my first pro match on April 21st 2001. Why i wrestle is a little more complex. The first reason is an easy one. I have always been a big fan of wrestling ever since i was 5 years old. The 2nd reason is the tricky one. I despise the vast majority of the human population. Every aspect of their behavior leaves me with a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. So because of this anytime I'm around them i feel extremely frustrated and violent. So that being the case I'm left with 3 options. Option #1 is that i become a hermit and live in some cabin way out in the middle of no where. Option #2 is when i get pissed i beat people within an inch of their life. Option #3 is that i use pro wrestling as a release and a way to keep the fire inside of me from boiling over. I figure I'm not that big a fan of the outdoors and spending 5-10 years in prison for assault doesn't sound like much fun so i decided to choose option #3 and become a pro wrestler.

2. Who were your influences?

My biggest influence in professional wrestling is Mick Foley. He is the main reason I'm wrestling today. I loved everything aboot that man. I lived and died with Mick Foley. Besides Mick i would have to say that my main influences would be Taz, Chris Benoit, Kurt Angle, Lance Storm, and Dean Malenko.

3. What do you think the main difference between the East Coast wrestling and
IWA Midsouth?

Only east coast fans I've worked in front of our the CZW fans. CZW fans are not very patient and they want the action to be extremely fast. They don't really want to wait for you to build up to the bigger spots. That being the case East Coast fans are very appreciative though when you do give them their highspots. The fans on the East Coast have a ton of energy and are loud as hell and that always makes wrestling a ton of fun. My only complaint though would be the lack of patience in building a match. M-dogg and I had a ladder match a month or so ago and 30 seconds into the match people were yelling for the tables and ladders already. I also felt the best match M-dogg and I had got the worst reaction. From my brief experience I would say IWA fans seem to be a more of an old school type wrestling fan. They appreciate good wrestling and they enjoy the realism. In my first match with Tarek the Great, who was a pleasure to work with, i picked a body part and worked it throughout the entire match and the fans were still into it. It doesn't seem like you can get away with that with a lot of East Coast fans. Both fans have their advantages though and i love working for both of them.

4. Name one person you would love to work and haven't had the chance to?

Realistically i would have to say Jerry Lynn. His matches with RVD were some of the best I've ever seen and i would love the opportunity to step in the ring with. I'm sure i would learn a ton from a guy like Jerry. He is a class act as well. A dream match would be wrestling Mick Foley. That would be the highlight of my life. Since Mick is retired i would have to say Chris Benoit. I love the guys intensity and he is one of the most solid wrestlers I've ever seen.

5. How did you feel when you heard that you would be wrestling for IWA Midsouth?

I was excited. I heard a lot of good things aboot IWA Midsouth and I knew a lot of really workers wrestled for them. I hoping it will give me the opportunity to step in the ring with some guys that really know what they are doing and hopefully I can pick up a lot of stuff because I'm still very young in this sport and have an awful lot to learn.

6. What had you heard about it?

The rumors i had heard were that the guys in IWA Midsouth were incredibly stiff and the fans piss on highspots and all they want is old school wrestling. I found those things to be untrue. I think IWA has a very good mix of everything you could want to see at a wrestling show. The guys down there just put on very solid matches.

7. As We know, Your Enemy and tag partner on some occasions, M-Dogg 20 won the World Heavyweight tile from Chris Hero, How did you feel about your match with Tarek the Great?

I was very happy with the way Tarek and I worked. He was was a good guy and I hope to get the opportunity to work with him again in the near future. I thought our match went very well, especially for working with the dude for the first time. I was also very pleased and appreciative of the response I got from Ian Rotten after the match.

8. A lot of people want me to ask you this question. How did the kicks to the head from Tarek feel?

The kicks were solid. The first one got me good but that was my fault because i wasn't really paying attention. The first kick i took in that match really woke me up and i from that point on i had my eyes open the rest of the time i was in there with him. Like i said he is a class act and i was happy with everything that happened in the match.

9. Did you like coming down to IWA Midsouth?

Yeah, I definitely had an enjoyable time. All the guys were cool, my match went well, and I got to see some friends.

10. How can you describe the IWA fans?

Like i said earlier they appreciate wrestling, and they seem to appreciate when a guy goes out there and bust his ass for them and that's what makes it worth it for me. There is nothing worse then giving it everything you got and having the fans sit on their hands.

11. What has been your favorite match so far?

In all honesty i would say i really don't have a favorite match anymore. I haven't wrestled an excellent match in an excellent feud yet. Some day when I'm in an intense feud and i tear down the house i'll claim to have a favorite match but that hasn't occurred yet. If i had to pick a favorite opponent i would say M-Dogg. Our matches seem to always light up the crowd. I've only been wrestling a year and a few months so I'm still far from being a good wrestler.

The Name Game (I say a name and you say what comes to mind)***

1. Ian Rotten

Very nice guy, i respect his fed, and i love his Cal Ripken Tattoo

2. Tarek the Great

Class act, pleasure to work

3. M-Dogg 20

Cute and Bouncy, hate his beard

4. Chris Hero

Very cool, Very large, Kind of reminds me of an abomidabal snowman

5. Mark Wolf

I only met him in passing, seemed cool

6. Jerry Lynn

Great wrestler, great guy, and he loves black metal

7. C.M. Punk

Punk's awesome, i love how militant he is aboot straight edge, i hope i can get in the ring with him some day soon. Or we can start our tag Team called HateEdge. Punk also hates him some Indiana.

8. Bull Pain and Mitch Ryder

Only met them in passing, they both seemed cool.

9. IWA Fans

Real Wrestling fans and very sexy.

10. Tracy Smothers

I love Tracy Smothers. He is the nicest guy you will ever meet. He genuinely cares aboot everyone in that locker room and he always tries his absolute hardest. A true legend in the sport. I love being on shows with Tracy. He is what is right with pro wrestling.

Check out my website at There are Josh Prohibition T-shirts for sale for dollars and Best of Josh Prohibition Volume 1 tapes for sale for dollars. There are no shipping costs. Send cash, check, or money order made out to Josh Piscura to:

Josh Prohibition

Po Box 41393

Brecksville, OH 44141

You can also send love letters, hate mail, naked pictures(chicks only please), presents, dead animals, and naked pictures of your Mom to the address above. Thank you for the interview, I hope I didn't bore you to death.

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