"Classic" Colt Cabana
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"King of the Vu" Jon Howard

"The Esteemed" James Fannin

"Classic" Colt Cabana

"Ghetto SuperStar" Rollin' Hard

Corporal Robinson

"Sexy" Ace Steel

Josh Prohibition

here is the interview with the Classic one "Classic" Colt Cabana
Vic: Well i am sitting here with one of best Wrestlers in the country, the classic one himself "Classic" Colt Cabana, how are you tonight Colt?

Cabana: Thirsty

Vic: First of all how long have you been in the wrestling business?

Cabana: I have been in the wrestling business for almost 3 years now.

Vic: As well all know you were trained by Danny Dominion and Ace Steel for Steel Domain, how was the training?

Cabana: The training was exactly how I thought it would be. I was very sore the first month of training and very proud of it. Each bruised bone was a trophy that I could have w/ me everyday as I continued through my training. It takes a very tough person to complete wrestling training.

Vic: How long was the training and who did you debut against and where at?

Cabana: Well, I continuely trained for about a year and a half, but I would have to take breaks b/c of school. I started in training in April of '99 and my first match was in June of '99. It was at Fort Fest in Ft. Atkinson, WI against Doink the Clown or Eric Freedom, I forget which.

Vic: Out of anybody in the Wrestling Business that you have yet to work, who would you wanna work the most?

Cabana: Cabana & Punk vs. The Eliminators would be smooth.
I'd also like to work: 2 Cold Scorpio or Steven Regal

Vic: out of all the matches you have had what would you say has been your very best? also what has been your best match with C.M. Punk?

Cabana: I love all my matches. I'd say my series of matches w/ Punk are my best matches though. We've had too many good ones to pick a favorite. They've all been money except this one match for John Collins in Indiana...that was the shits.

Vic: how was it working the ECW arena this past friday night, in front of what has been considered a "dead crowd" (i don't know because i wasn't there) and how would it compare to the IWA crowds?

Cabana: It was a nice feeling to be in an arena that has been made famous w/ such great wrestling over the past 10 years. Then again, the same can be said about the House of Hardcore. I had a great time in Philly and look forward to going back.

Vic: What all promotions do you work for?

Cabana: IWA Midsouth most importantly. MAW in Milwaukee. IWF Detroit and IWF Michigan. 3PW in Philly. IWC in Pittsburgh. ACW in Greenbay. LWF and MCW in Illinois. XICW in Detroit. Then there's a whole bunch of randoms around the midwest and the country.

Vic: What are your ambitions or goals in the wrestling industry?

Cabana: I wish to make money. And lots of it. Also, one day I will be able to wrestle in a midget battle royal.

ok i'm done with the questions, now we'll do name association, when i name somebody give your quick comments (or long whatever..)

Vic: C.M. Punk:

Cabana: Some tattoo'd kid. For Kayfabe purposes I won't say anything nice about him.

Vic: Dave Prazak:

Cabana: Some manager guy...again on the kayfabe tip, we'll keep it fabed.

Vic: Ian Rotten:

Cabana: One hardcore mother fucker. Has a great mind for the business and a great roster in the IWA MS. Barefoot Thumbtack match was the sickest...yet coolest thing I ever saw.

Vic: Ace Steel:
Cabana: Best wrestler in the country. Needs to be signed asap by someone. Knows his ins and outs of wrestling. Would be a perfect fit in Japan. Very underappreciated. What a helmut of hair that guy has too!

Vic: Danny Dominion:

Cabana: Stay off the messageboards!

Vic: Chris Daniels:

Cabana: Class Act. I hope to see him in IWA MS one day. Would mix in perfectly and I think the people of IWA would appreciate him.

Vic: Vic Capri:

Cabana: "A little Monster" some say. He's in the class of great technical wrestlers who'll do anything to make the people happy.

Vic: Mike Quackenbush:

Cabana: Another Class act to this business. Gives the East Coast a good rap. I wish they were all like him. A pure student of the game and I appreciate him everytime he goes to the ring. Buy his book btw at mikequackenbush.com

Vic: Cash Flo:

Cabbana: Here's a complete monster. Cash has a great presence in the ring and can do it all. He's a big guy who can fly, hardcore, brawl, techincal. He's got it all. Now lets get some boots on this kid.

Vic: IWA ref Brent Blades:

Cabana: WHO?

Vic: Jim Fannin:

Cabana: IWA Superman...wait, that's hero. Well, he's Mr. Versatile. Fannin can do it all. Has a dome much like Ace Steel.

Vic: "Mean" Mitch:
Cabana: Mitch is great. I've seen him take some crazy stuff in and out of the ring. Some great toons in the ring to go along w/ the hardcore crazyness. I think it's a great blend.

Vic: Ric Blade:

Cabana: Had him in the ring in Philly. He's a flipty, flopty motherfucker. Seemed like a real nice guy. I think him and Suicide Kid could've had some classics.

Vic: MAW promoter Carmine:

Cabana: Carmine knows pro wrestling. He runs a great gig in Milwaukee. Sure his ring sucks, but whatchya gonna do? I love wrestling for MAW and I think people should learn to appreciate the SkullKrusher ::hint hint::

Vic: Chris Hero

Cabana: Great talent. Great Athlete. A couple changes in Hero's life and he'll be signed in 5 years somewhere for something.

Vic: your thoughts on the Punk/Hero match from the last IWA show at the HoH as well as the whole show that night?

Cabana: Great feeling. The match was off the hook. They gave it there all and it was a great way to let those fan know how much they appreciated them. I hope Ian gets another building and it has just as cool an atmosphere as the HoH.

Vic: Well Colt i guess this about wraps it up, thanks for your time, do you have any plugs, comments, shout outs, or anything you wanna say to all your fans or anybody wanting to break into the business?

Cabana: coltcabana.com

Vic: thanks alot colt.. hope everybody enjoys it.