"Ghetto SuperStar" Rollin' Hard
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"King of the Vu" Jon Howard

"The Esteemed" James Fannin

"Classic" Colt Cabana

"Ghetto SuperStar" Rollin' Hard

Corporal Robinson

"Sexy" Ace Steel

Josh Prohibition

here is the interview with Funkin Phenom, the Ghetto Superstar, the self proclaim Food Stamp Champ, one half of the IWA Tag Team champs and the King of The Death Match 2000.......... Rollin' Hard.
Vic: i'm sitting here with one half of the IWA tag team champions Rollin Hard, how are you tonight Rollin?

Rollin' Hard: just fine vic

Vic: that's good, let's get to it.. first of all how long have you been in the Wrestling Business?

Rollin' Hard: i think i started back in 95

Vic: As we all know you were trained by hardcore legend and icon Ian Rotten.. how was the training?

Rollin' Hard: Actually, believe it or not ,I was trained by Nightmare Danny Davis

Vic: oh.. how was that training then? and how was it making the adjustment from DD to IWA?

Rollin' Hard: training went well over there, he said his students trained anywhere from 8 months to a year before they get into the ring, it only took me 4 months , i was dedicated though, i was the first to show up to school evernight and the last to leave, i went through about 6 girlfriends , i was also working two jobs, i had long days back then, i had a day job welding, went to wrestling school in the evening and bounced at my mothers nightclub at night

Vic: damn... took a lot to be that dedicated... in your opinion, do you think it was worth it?

Rollin' Hard: if i had the choice of doing it again, i probably wouldn't. Wrestling is a cut throat business if i would have know the business was like it was, i would have never gotten into it.

Vic: yeah i hear ya

Rollin Hard: Im hoping my son never wants to do it, but if he choses to, i guess i will back him 100%

Vic: yeah... that's ya gotta do..

Vic: so when did you first make the jump from OVW to IWA?

Rollin' Hard: well, after wrestling about 8 months for Danny i quit, then my friend Brutal Bill Lewis started running shows in E-town. then i heard about this Ian Rotten guy, and the style of wrestling he did so i called him up, he gave me a shot and the rest is history

Vic: now days, you have seen a lot of people come and go from the IWA.. how does feel to be one of the only people that has been there the whole time? (well pretty much..)

Rollin' Hard: I kinda feel like an old man there, seeing all the new talent coming in, but i believe they all have respect for me, i believe im the only one on the roster that has never quit or been fired, i mean there's a couple times ive almost gotten fired, but thanks to Patti im still around

Vic: yeah i guess you could say that's an accomplishment on it's own

Rollin Hard: LOL

Vic: What all promotions have you worked in the past or currently work for?

Rollin' Hard: IWA

Vic: that's it?

Vic: or the only one that matters?

Rollin' Hard: i don't go out of town that much, one reason is because no other promotions lets me work my gimmick

Vic: ahh i hear that

Rollin' Hard: If Rollin Hard isn't welcomed, well neither is Roland Monttgomery, ya dig

Vic: indeed i do

Vic: ok then i must ask this.. how did it feel to win the King of the Death Matches 2000?

Rollin' Hard: it was one of the greatest accomplishments in my wrestling career

Vic: yeah i hear that... on the internet and in magazines n stuff they always seem to talk down on "hardcore" wrestling.. what do you think of that? and do you think you would be taken more seriously if you relyed more on your wrestling ability?

Rollin' Hard: Hardcore wrestling is more for the younger fans i think. I think the reason everybody talks bad about it is because they are jealous. and for the second part of your question, I think i have pretty good wrestling skills, i proved that when i went through my "hardcore no more" phase. But if you watch my hardcore matches, i try to do more than just brawling, i put spots in my matches, and believe me, i could do high spots i would

Vic: yes i agree your a damn good wrestler too!.. hehe i hear ya

Rollin' Hard: thank you

Vic: let's speak about japan for a minute.. how do you feel about the product that they have at the moment? and would you wanna go there to wrestle one day?

Rollin' Hard: the stories i hear from the older workers that's been over there, its not worth it, but i would go just to get a RIBERA STEAK HOUSE jacket. Its like a token you get when u go over there and wrestle, plus u get to sign this big wall that has every wrestler signature that has ever wrestled over

Vic: yeah i've seen Axl and Mitch wear it

Vic: What are your goals or ambitions to achieve in the wrestling business? or do you feel you have already achieve what you have wanted to?

Rollin' Hard: I haven't quite achieved all of my ambitions yet, hopefully one day i can though and my number one goal right now is to hold on tag straps for at least three more years. That's my predicted retirement goal right now . When i first broke into the business, i said i wasn't doing it for money or fame, but to just live out a childhood dream. And i always said that when i turn 30 im done, but know i don't know, my son is at the age where he likes to watch my tapes.

Vic: i hear that.. speaking of the tag straps.. how does it feel to be the "first" IWA tag champs since they have been brought back?

Rollin' Hard: right now, i know that me and Mitch arent at the top of our game, its gonna take awhile getting adjusted to doing tag matches, and for me its gonna take awhile to get used to wearing a wife beater

Rollin Hard: but give us a little time. we'll get there

Vic: hehe i hear ya... atleast the new Mean and Hard is getting more of a chance then the old team.
Rollin Hard: last time we tagged, we had like 4 matches and we lost like 3 of them, there is only one other tag team that i enjoyed doing as much as this one

Vic: yeah.. which team was that?

Rollin' Hard: and that is THE FREAKZ OF THE INDUSTRY with J. Prodigy

Vic: ahh yes.. a great team

Vic: so are you looking forward to you upcoming defenses against Bad Breed?

Rollin Hard: i knew one day it would happened, im kinda looking forward to it

Rollin' Hard: me and Mitch are shooting for an 80ish style tag team

Rollin' Hard: did u see the double drop kick we pulled off that one time, i think it was way better then the Rock and Roll express

Vic: damn right it was

Rollin' Hard: i think our team makes all the fat people in the crowd fell more comfortable with themselves

Rollin' Hard: did u see all the fat guys in the crowd raise there shirts and jiggle their fat, its amazing

Vic: hehe i seen that "across the way"

Rollin' Hard: im sure that tape will be on the top ten renters list.lol

Vic: uh huh lol

Vic: ahh i lost my train of thought now.. next question...

Rollin' Hard: we might break out the FAT PEOPLES ELBOW next weekend

Vic: hell yeah

Rollin' Hard: cuz u know we are the FAT PEOPLES CHAMP

Vic: damn right

Vic: ok i got it.... what would you say you most memorable moment in IWA is? (other then winning the KOTDM2k)

Rollin' Hard: probably being the first ever IWA TV CHAMP or the YMCA dance with Jon "big thumbs up" Howard

Vic: hehe hell yeah

Vic: ok i can't think of any more questions (sorry) so we'll get to the name association part of the interview.. you know how it works, i name somebody and you comment on them... here goes: (if there is anybody i say that you do not wanna comment on or me to put it on the site let me know)

Vic: Ian Rotten:

Rollin' Hard: Ian Rotten==god father of both my kids, one of my good friends, King of Hardcore, has the will power to lose weight, what else can i say

Vic: "Mean" Mitch:

Rollin' Hard: Mean Mitch== one of the funniest people to be around, always joking around, good tag team partner, sure, we've had heat before, but that's all behind us now, and one of my good friends

Vic: Cash Flo:

Rollin' Hard: Cash Flo==I consider Cash as the most athletic person in the locker room. I take credit for training him and giving him his name

Vic: J. Prodigy:

Rollin' Hard: J Prodigy== used to be my best friend outside the business, but he has suffered some personal set backs. i showed him the way in the locker room and he improved my social skills

Vic: Chris Hero:

Rollin' Hard: Chris Hero==he is a tape watching fool

Vic: IWA sr., Brent Blades:

Rollin' Hard: Brent Blades==The whole REF'n Show. Not a bad bowler, but will never have the skills to beat me.lol

Vic: C.M. Punk:

Rollin' Hard: C.M. Punk==two words FUCK YOU {inside joke}

Vic: heh Blaze:

Rollin' Hard: Blaze=PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE,PLEASE, PRETTY PLEASE come back to IWA so i can whop yo ass

Vic: Corporal Robinson:

Rollin' Hard: Good ole Corp==Ciznorporal Riznobinson izns a chiznair swizning hizncore miznother fiznucker. [mitch page knows what i just said] everybody is down with Ciznorporal Ciznarni

Vic: hehe hell yeah

Vic: Mark Wolf:

Rollin' Hard: Mark Wolf=one day, after all of his injuries goes away, Mark is gonna be one of the greatest wrestlers in IWA history

Vic: Jim Fannin:

Rollin' Hard: Front Office Fannin= one of the best managers i ever had, besides Billy the P, and is a bigger bears fan then me

Vic: some guy who was supposed to make you a new entrance theme along time ago: (he promises to still make the song!! even if it isn't your theme lol)

Rollin' Hard: Big Vic==a truly dedicated fan of the IWA, thanks for coming to all of the shows, and right now im making you an honorary member of the FAT BOYS click

Vic: ahh shit.. it's a honor and privilege :)...

Vic: ok one more thing..
Rollin' Hard: so at the next show you gotta stand up andpull your shirt up and jiggle your belly

Vic: ahh heh i don't know bout that, i'm not the hawaiian guys LOL

Vic: your thoughts on the house of hardcore and the last show there:

Rollin' Hard: I felt right at home at the House of Hardcore, cuz tha shit was GHETTO, no building that we ever get will be as good as the MAD HOUSE OF THE MID-SOUTH aka The Old K-Mart Building

Rollin' Hard: the last show showed me 2 things. 1st--the fans really do care, and PUNK and Hero gained my respect that night

Vic: yes.. i think they earned everybody's respect that night (if they didn't have it already..)

Vic: yes i agree... well bro. i guess this is a wrap up.. it's been an honor rollin.. is there any shout outs, plugs or anything you wanna say to people wanting to get in the business?

Rollin' Hard: I wanna give a shout out to Mitch Page-retarded ref- and all of the IWA boys , and my piece of advice, Don't get in it for the money, but if your gonna do it- get professionally trained and don't half ass anything

Vic: ahh hell let's give thought on jon howard as well:


Vic: heh.. thanks rollin it's been fun
