"Sexy" Ace Steel
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"King of the Vu" Jon Howard

"The Esteemed" James Fannin

"Classic" Colt Cabana

"Ghetto SuperStar" Rollin' Hard

Corporal Robinson

"Sexy" Ace Steel

Josh Prohibition

interview with "sexy" ace steel... one of the most under rated wrestlers on the indy scene today!
Vic: Well i'm sitting here with one of the most under rated, rising stars, and most solid wrestlers on the Independent Scene.. "Sexy" Ace Steel, how are you tonight Ace?

Ace: Chipper, would you like a cookie? Sit a spell.

Vic: First of all, how and when did you first break into the wrestling business? and who were you trained by?

Ace: Broke in October of 91' by WCPW and then went out into the world and learned shit.

Vic: Who were your favorite wrestlers while growing up? and what made you wanna get in this business?

Ace: Road Warriors , Ricky Steamboat, Arn, Flair, Morton, Brad Armstrong
,Freebirds, Zbysko(later in life)...I dug good workers

Vic: In your opinion what would you say the difference (if any) is between the upper mid west region (chicago, milwaukee) and the lower mid west region (ky, in)?

Ace: Wow, um.. they are worlds a part in terms of what makes up the crowd. This really changes your work style.

Vic: let's talk about 2 of your students, CM Punk and Colt Cabana while training these 2 kids, did you ever expect they would be as good as they are right now?

Ace: Training wise I think Cabana was the quickest progressor of spots that I have trained. He's a natural athelete and it shows. Punk had to work to change his look and get some weight off before he could progress athletically. Together they started to train and try all the goofy shit that has morphed into what they display today. While listening to what was chimed in by their teachers as to how things should be worked keeping old school alive. So no..I saw no talent. They should keep their days jobs and clean their cars. Video killed the radio star!

Vic: Speaking of Punk, how did you feel the final night that him and Chris Hero tore the House of Hardcore down while you were on commentary, knowing that you trained him?

Ace: I thought he was gonna die. It was pure pandolerium and I cant stress to you enough the hilarity of such acts as a Russian Leg Sweep off the crow's nest through two stacked tables. Bottom line is that it was a very well executed match and not one thing was really missed or fouled up as far as I could see.

Vic: What other guys came out of the Steel Domain school?

Ace: Brad Bradley may say he did but thats still debatable. Butch Mclain , Black Dagger , Jimmy Smits, Riki Noga,Mic the Irish Ass, Reed Richards , Peter Porker

Vic: I heard you wrestled a few matches for WWF, when and who against?

Ace: Ahmed Johnson in Omaha in Mid 90's and Southern Justice in Rockford ,IL in the late 90's. Also been paid and ended up not working which isnt that bad.

Vic: How did you like working the Shaska Whatley gimmick?

Ace: I love it..ya know I study hours of Thunderbolt Patterson and am working on
perfecting the ol' "SLip out of the headlock" spot.

Vic: in your opinion how far do you think you and Danny would have went in the wrestling biz if you were 10 years earlier and in the heyday of RNR Express, Midnights, Rockers, Tully & Arn and tag team wrestling was thriving?

Ace: Really hard to say as there were plenty of guys like Brad Armstrong out there that could tear up any venue that didnt get a push. But it would nice to think I could survive as I study the style.

Vic: Out of any tag team past or present which team would you have wanted to see the Hollywood Hardbodies Vs?

Ace: Too Much, Midnights, Fantastics, certainly Tully and Arn, Arn/Eaton, anything with Arn really...hell..Arn and Stan Swida had a helluva run.

Vic: In you opinion what has been your best match ever as well as the best match in wrestling history?

Ace: To date some of my best tests and most observers say that I passed were..Rey
Mysterio Jr. , Jerry Lynn, Sabu , 2 Cold, Road Warriors ,and alot of the guys I work with now or before as each work may have something that makes the memory very worthwhile. Punk and I click. Cabana, Capri help me comprise some great shit in the ring.
Best match I've seen, shit...soooo many ...hard to pick as you have any Flair/Steamboat, Dynamite/Tiger Mask,Owen/Liger,, shit almost anything w/ Steamboat..a great one here for ya'll to look at is Steamboat vs Austin for the US Belt at a Clash (where Hogan was taken to a hospital or some crap) with Steamboat over for the belt. That crowd was pissing their pants in anticipation as what would happen next in that match. There is sooo much done in that match and you can see how hard they worked.

Vic: What are your thoughts on the 55 minute 8 man tag from Hardcore Hell and Back 2001?

Ace: It was damn hot and was damn fun.

Vic: If given the opportunity to work in WWF would you take it at the moment? or would you stay on the indy scene and shoot for Japan maybe?

Ace: Silliest question I've ever heard. Being in my or anyone's position, you would take anything that comes your way. Japan would make me more than content as I'm into the wrestling aspect. I would entertain as well but being a crusier I dont expect WWF. Not out of the question entirely but just not expected.

Vic: In your honest opinion who would you say is the Hottest Indy in the country at the moment?

Ace: Any indy that would use the guys I work with each and every week.

ok we will get into the name association part of the interview....

1. Ian Rotten: Apparently a fan of mine as he always gives me something to sink my teeth into. If he somehow throws me a wrench, he makes up for it by throwing me a bone that any dog would love to have. Sabu, 8man tag with Scorpio, Tracey Smothers-much love, Mysterio, fun times in IWA

2. Danny Dominion: Know him for a long time. Great trainer and was certainly better with the newer guys than I was. Very solid hand and very much looks the part.

3. CM Punk: Horrible! Ass that is...should make it. Gets a lot of press and doesnt let it goto his head much. Has worked his way from a fat kid w/ lead in his ass to a naturally good build flying all over the place like a pixie. Listens to criticism and completed his goal last year of working every weekend. The most dedicated guy I know.

4. Colt Cabana: This guy can do it all. He was the one student that picked up everything in a matter of weeks and I didnt have to tell him twice. Naturally gifted athlete and I expect him to make money in the biz. Same as the other goof, gets press but doesnt let it run his life and knows lockerroom etiquette which takes him everywhere. A great reflection on the Steel Domain and what we could produce.

3,4-Cabana, Punk- The road is soooo damn fun at times that it just sucks to go back to our regular weeks. I laugh so damn hard and it's cool to have (now) peers that I had a hand in training. NOW FUCK OFF WANKERS

5. Chris Hero: Naturally talented hugger. Defies gravity being the size of a guy he is. Inventive? or just a robber! You decide! Whatever it is he does it well and welcome the chance to work in any capacity with him.

6. "Mean" Mitch: I love Rollin' ..great guy.

7. Christopher Daniels: So weird that I helped break him into working matches and now my guys are meeting up w/ him in matches and earning his respect on the road. Well traveled and we'll hook up in the ring again someday and I bet it'll be much better than 1992 at some cow turd smelling county fair. Great flyer

8. Cash Flo: Still waiting on our match DAWG! First impression of him was that he was told by Ian to put me over with whatever I wanted in the first SS16 I worked. He said no trouble and agreed to whatever I wanted. That to me was a class act. No matter what he knew of me, I was an outsider and he being the local guy was ready to do it. GOOD PEOPLE! One of the reasons I love IWA.

9. Mike Quackenbush: I think he hates me but I like him. Just read alot of his book and no matter what people say about his early upbringing in the biz, he certainly is a knowledgeable , talented and really is just plain good people. Precise worker and on his game. Sorry about the dropkick bro!

10. Reckless Youth: From the WOW article I was quoted in..he was quoted as well about the injuries he has overcome.Hes had the developmental so hes accomplished. I have only met him once I believe.I really can't comment much except that if he is a buddy of Quack's I guess he's an upstanding guy.

11. Dave Prazak: Dave is good speaker and an asset to any show. Recently lost his hair in Singapore while eating monkey brains with Mark Lewin.

12. Jim Fannin: Needs to call more wrestling during the matches. He is getting there and I wish he'd quit saying I TRAINED THOSE TWO BONEHEADS!!!! He's a good guy and a loyal supporter and I thank him for the opportunities.

13. Brent Blades: Spotlight hog. Always wants to do spots that make him look good. Never "says hi ", "how are you" or "F.U."! Does a great job.

14. the IWA fans: Loyal, appreciative..I mean shit..we got Christmas cards this past year. What freakin' promotion has fans that would do that for the wrestlers?? I bet there aren't many if any.

15. Vic Capri: Whatta tank, great flyer, solid ,solid worker..I learn more things that I dig about this guy everytime I yap with him. Doesnt take any shit , straight up guy that hates politics and that makes him okay in my book.

Vic: well i guess this is a warp up Ace, thanks a lot for the time... it's been fun.

Ace: Certainly a WARP UP! Thank you